Technical Assistance

Belgian Bankers Academy manages complex technical assistance projects financed by Institutional donors, Governments our private organizations, in Belgium and internationally.

Belgian Bankers Academy fields of expertise:

  • Banking and finance
  • SME financing
  • Private sector development

Belgian Bankers Academy leads and participates in different framework contracts ran by the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and the African Development Bank.

Our clients

  • Central Banks
  • Development Banks
  • Commercial Banks 
  • Supervisory authorities
  • Ministries
  • Banking Institutes and Associations
  • Microfinance Institutions
  • Private sector

What we do

Banking and finance

Organisational development and restructuring, drafting of regulations and legislation, support to central banks, credit policy, procedures and processes, risk management: financial and non-financial, development and tailoring of new banking products, financial analysis, assets and liabilities management (ALM), bank strategic planning, banking supervision, client relations, corporate governance and internal controls, bank profitability analysis, fraud and money laundering, financial services marketing treasury management, management information systems (MIS), microfinance, …

SME financing

Access to finance for MSMEs, financial inclusion, SME lending, credit guarantee schemes, studies on SME lending activities in specific regions, rural finance, development of the MSME clients’ network including women owned businesses, digital finance including FinTechs, …

Private Sector Development

Direct support to start-ups and MSMEs, training on soft-skills, financial literacy, support for development of business plans and access to finance, business development services, setting up and operationalisation of incubators for start-ups and entrepreneurs, setting-up and organisational development of SME support agencies and bodies, support and capacity building to other PSD support institutions, improvement of competitiveness, access to markets through standards, …


If your application is not linked to any of the specific positions above, please send your CV to




Contact us

Avenue Louise 500 1050 Bruxelles